Month: May 2017
Occam’s Razor and The Book of Mormon
Until this past year, I don’t think I’d ever heard of Occam’s Razor. I feel like I should have known what it was, but I didn’t. So, for anyone else who isn’t familiar with it, let me begin with some background. William of Occam (or […]
Does The Book of Mormon Have a Limited Vocabulary?
I’ve been reading the Book of Mormon, at least sporadically, for the past fifty years or so. I wish I could say, that I’ve been diligently studying it, but I’m trying to keep it honest. In all those years I have never given any real […]
Becoming is Hard
As a former school teacher, I firmly believe that not everyone is cut out for college. As his mother, I believe that my son, Devin, is among the group who isn’t. That’s why Devin getting an engineering degree from the University of Utah this past […]
Defining Doctrine
Occasionally I come across a new idea that sticks with me and transforms the way I think. This happened recently while listening to an LDS Perspectives Podcast with Michael Goodman titled, “What is LDS Doctrine?” I realized that having a clear definition of what doctrine means […]
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