Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Quick Chicken & Strawberry Salad

Quick Chicken & Strawberry Salad

Total Calories 435

2 C. Baby Spinach 20 cal

5 Medium Strawberries, sliced 20 cal

4 oz. Rotisserie Chicken Breast 160 cal

1 oz. Crumbled Feta 70 cal

1/8 C. Natursource Original Salad Topper 75 cal

2 T. Panera Bread Balsamic Vinaigrette 90 cal

I like to buy the packages of chicken at Costco that have already been removed from the bones.  It is easy to weigh and freeze some for later.  Toss all the ingredients well to distribute the dressing evenly.

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