Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Getting Serious About Losing Some Weight

I don’t know exactly why this is the week that I’m finally ready to lose weight.  It doesn’t make a lot of sense.  I still have a big bag of leftover Halloween candy, and Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  The weather is cold and it’s harder to get out and be active.  It seems like it would be better to wait until after New Years or possibly spring, but maybe those are the very reasons it ought to be now.  I have been planning this for a long time, but keep putting it off and my weight keeps going up.

This is the most I have ever weighed, and the first time that my extra weight is keeping me from doing things I might otherwise do.  I am uncomfortable in my clothes, and I either need to buy some new bigger ones or take off some weight.

I have been adding content and meals here for a while, but have yet to actually follow my plan and measure the results. To understand what I am doing see the 1500 Calorie Meal Planning Page

My hope is to lose one pound a week.  I mapped this out and if all goes well it will take until the end of next summer to get to what I think my goal weight should be. To be honest, I haven’t been at a weight that I’ve been happy with for so long that is hard to know what exactly that will be at my age. So I guess I’ll see how it goes.   My starting weight for week number one is 162.6.  I also took some beginning pictures and measurements, but just the weight is enough humiliation for one post.  

My goal this week is just to log everything I eat, even if I go over my allotted calories.  My thought is that if I don’t have time to log it I don’t have time to eat it.  I think this will make me stop and think about what I’m actually putting into my mouth, without the anxiety I feel when I try to change to dramatically.

I’ve decided to go public, well sort of public. I’ll be posting updates here, although I won’t be promoting them in any way. I feel like just knowing that my commitment to make a change is out there—whether anyone actually sees it or not is another matter—will help keep me motivated and on track.

Comments and questions are welcome. 

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