Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Perfection is Overrated

Here I am, one week into my new healthier life.  That doesn’t sound like a big deal to many people, but it’s pretty huge for me.  Other people might also see my first week as a failure, but I see it as a success.  Let me explain.  First of all, my goal for the week was to log everything I ate in myfitnesspal even if I ate more than my allowed calories.  Did I do that? Technically, no, but I did do it for five of the seven days.  This is significantly better than most of my recent attempts to reach the same goal.  Usually, I log my breakfast but before lunch or dinner give up and decide that I actually start tomorrow instead.  Of the five days that I logged all my food, I ate more than I was supposed to on three of them.  Again, this might seem like a failure, but I’m going to claim victory.  The reason for this is that I am absolutely certain that on every single day during the past week, I ate considerably less than I would have had I not been committed to this change.

Even more importantly, I am still feeling firm in my resolve to keep going and to do this thing. I felt better last week, more in control and less overstuffed at bedtime. My goal for the second week is equally modest; I want to log all of my food on all seven days and be at or under my suggested calorie limit on at least three of those days.

I am trying to strike the right balance here.  Of course, I would like rapid weight loss and a quick and noticeable change in appearance, but I believe that doing something sustainable is more critical. This morning I weighed 161, so I am down 1.6 pounds.  It’s a start–baby steps in the right direction.  Improvement is more important than perfection.

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