Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life


Lessons from Jane Manning James

What do you know about Jane Manning James? I was recently asked a question about her and decided...

My Much-Less-Blind Faith in Mormonism

I haven’t written anything for a long time, but not because my interest in all-things-Mormon has...

Did the LDS Church Sell Indexed Names to Make a Profit?

There are times when I can’t quite figure out how my mind works.  Last Saturday, I woke up way too...

Reflections on My LDS Faith Journey

Just over a year ago I started this blog with the lofty goal of posting once a week. Recently, I was...

Is Mormonism a Cult?

In response to a previous post, someone—we’ll call him David—wrote the following: “Jana, you...

Questions about the Lord’s Prayer in The Book of Mormon

Recently a dear friend asked me a question that I had never heard or considered before.  As nearly...

Is there Any Truth in what Critics of the #LightTheWorld Campaign are Saying?

Last year I participated in the LDS church’s #LightTheWorld campaign, along with millions of...

What I Didn’t Know About Mormonism

I’ve always been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and by that, I mean...

Does God Really Answer Prayers?

Several weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with this question, “Had there ever been a...

When was the Gospel Restored?

A few years ago, if someone had asked me when the restoration of the gospel took place, I would have...

They Can Leave the Church, But They Can’t Leave It Alone

I must confess that if such a thing existed, I could be a secret, unofficial member of the Dieter F...

Racism in The Book of Mormon

For many years I’ve wished that I knew a devoted black Mormon well enough to comfortably ask the...

View of the Hebrews and The Book of Mormon

I consider myself to be relatively well read.  My major was English teaching, I spent many years as...

Are Mormons Exclusionary?

When asked to characterize Mormons, the top four responses by non-LDS focus group members were, in...

Men, Women, and the Priesthood

My understanding of the roles of men, women, and the priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of...

Faith, Doubt, and Certainty (Or my Mormon Journey Through Fowler’s Stages of Faith)

Beginning as a child and continuing up until about a year ago, I have been quite comfortable bearing...

The Topic I Didn’t Plan to Write About

Wow! The topic of this week’s post is a complete surprise to me, and the thoughts that I am about to...

It’s About Your Relationship with God

When my daughter, Natalie, was fourteen, I was concerned about her level of interest in our LDS...

Fictional Letter From Exmormon’s Mom

This isn’t the post I planned to write this week; it is the one I feel like I have to process and...

Reacting to the Seer Stone

Joseph Smith simply said that The Book of Mormon was translated, “by the gift and power of God” and...

Occam’s Razor and The Book of Mormon

Until this past year, I don’t think I’d ever heard of Occam’s Razor.  I feel like I should have...

Does The Book of Mormon Have a Limited Vocabulary?

I’ve been reading the Book of Mormon, at least sporadically, for the past fifty years or so.  I wish...

Becoming is Hard

As a former school teacher, I firmly believe that not everyone is cut out for college.  As his...

Defining Doctrine

Occasionally I come across a new idea that sticks with me and transforms the way I think.  This...

Facing in the Right Direction (Or Did President Packer Really Say That?)

  In one of my earliest encounters with the world of the bloggers and podcasters who are critical of...

The Miracle of the Swords?

I assume that if you are reading this you already have an opinion on the Book of Mormon. Either you...

Some Comments on Conference Comments

Last week I wrote about the idea that I found most interesting in the comments that critics of the...

Thoughts about General Conference and LDS Church Growth

A year ago when I watched LDS General Conference it never occurred to me to wonder what the critics...

Seeking for Neptune or Ignoring Uranus? (Or Should you Listen to the Critics of the Church?)

I’ve just started writing content for this blog and already I have serious conflicts about it.  I...

Searching for Neptune (or Questions about My LDS Faith)

In the late 1600’s Sir Isaac Newton developed laws of motion that explained the orbits of the...

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