Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Getting Closer to Christmas and Still Losing Weight

I keep thinking this is going to get harder, that what I’m doing isn’t going to be enough, and that I’m going to stop losing weight, but the opposite has been true.  I think it’s actually getting easier, and despite the rather lax way I’m being following my plan, it is still working. 

Here’s what I’m really doing lately.  Most mornings I’ve been waiting until nine or ten before I eat breakfast.  I’m always busy in the mornings and don’t really get noticeably hungry.  If I have time to sit down and eat, my current favorite breakfast is a homemade veggie cup, a baked oatmeal cup, and an apple or a couple of clementines. I haven’t been able to find the Garden Delights veggie cups that I like lately, so I’ve been trying to replicate them at home. I’ll post the recipe either when someone asks for it or when I think I’m ready to stop tweaking the ingredients. 

I’ve been waiting to eat lunch until about two and then eating a frozen diet meal.  It’s just so quick and easy and the calories are already counted.  This leaves me plenty of calories for a reasonable dinner and an indulgent snack.  Sure I get that it isn’t the best nutrition, but it’s a big improvement over what I was doing and I’ve been excellent at remembering to take a multivitamin. I find that having fallen into a good routine, I think about food less and am less tempted to just graze mindlessly all day. 

I had what seemed to me to be a serious victory last night.  We went to a neighborhood potluck Christmas party, and honestly, my plan was to carefully choose a couple of items that looked the best and try them even though I had already eaten all my allotted calories. But I ended up relaxing and visiting and when the party was winding down, I realized that I had eaten anything at all.  At that point, I decided that I’d rather not eat in hopes of a good weigh-in today.  You would have to know me to understand how out of character that was, but it felt good. 

I’m so glad I decided to get started before the holidays instead of waiting for the New Year.  2017 was a bad weight year, but 2018 is starting to look more promising. 

Disclaimer: This blog is simply a record of my own experience. I am not a medical professional and I don’t claim to be in any way qualified to give advice.  Comments and questions are welcome.

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