Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Frustrated with Myself

This week didn’t go as planned.  I don’t know why I am having such a hard time getting back on track.  I do know it isn’t about hunger.  I also still feel confident that my goals and plan will work.  It does seem to be about my relationship with food.  Eating is the way I cope with boredom, frustration, stress, or disappointment.  It is also the way I celebrate, show love and relax.  I know I’m guilty of emotional and habitual eating and need to be much more mindful.

I’m not happy with how my week went, but I’m at least following up on posting and keeping myself honest and accountable.  I’m hoping that I have better things to report next week.



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