Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Fitness Blog

This is my mostly weekly blog journaling my success and occasional failure as I find out how fit I can reasonably get at 57.

Frustrated with Myself

This week didn’t go as planned.  I don’t know why I am having such a hard time getting back on track.  I do know it isn’t about hunger.  I also still feel confident that my goals and...

Starting Again

I don’t really understand it. How could I do so well clear through Christmas only to fall apart a few days later? Why have I been having such a hard time pulling it together in the new year? ...

Weighing in on Christmas

Monday is my weigh-in day, even if it’s Christmas. I think it is a sign of my level of commitment that I got on that scale.  I was only down four-tenths of a pound but I’m declaring it a major...

Getting Closer to Christmas and Still Losing Weight

I keep thinking this is going to get harder, that what I’m doing isn’t going to be enough, and that I’m going to stop losing weight, but the opposite has been true.  I think it’s actually getting...

Exercise that Fits my Life and Age

I’m about to make a confession; I like to exercise.  Not always while I’m doing it, but definitely afterward.  I have been an exercise regular for most of my life.  As a matter of fact, I think that...

Dieting through Thanksgiving

I didn’t post on Monday, but not for the most obvious reason, that I gained weight over Thanksgiving and didn’t want to admit it.  No, I actually did pretty well and felt quite good about I Monday...

Searching for the Right Way to Cheat on my Diet

I’m having a tough time bringing myself to post honestly this morning.  You see, I was doing okay this week, not perfect, but good enough and my weight was dropping.  Then I got to Sunday and...

Perfection is Overrated

Here I am, one week into my new healthier life.  That doesn’t sound like a big deal to many people, but it’s pretty huge for me.  Other people might also see my first week as a failure...

Getting Serious About Losing Some Weight

I don’t know exactly why this is the week that I’m finally ready to lose weight.  It doesn’t make a lot of sense.  I still have a big bag of leftover Halloween candy, and...

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