Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Starting Again

I don’t really understand it. How could I do so well clear through Christmas only to fall apart a few days later? Why have I been having such a hard time pulling it together in the new year?  There is a part of me that just wanted to delete the earlier fitness posts and pins and throw in the towel, after all, I don’t think anyone has discovered my foray into public dieting yet. I could pretend it never happened, but that’s not what I really want.  All the reasons for starting fitness journey are still the same and I still want to see it through.  So, here I am, sucking it up, admitting I got off track an and starting again

Here is my plan for making 2018 the year I really discover how fit I can get at 57. I’m 56 now but I’ll be 57 by the time I reach my weight goal, which is still to be determined since I haven’t been in that neighborhood for a while.

  1. I plan to post something, even if it is just a title and a graph every week by Tuesday.  Actually, let’s word this more like an achievable goal. I will post at least 45 times in 2018.
  2. I will track my food in myfitnesspal at least five days a week.  Note that I didn’t say I would stay under my calorie limit, only that I would be honest with myself about what I’m eating and log it.
  3. I will set up a myfitnesspal account that I can link to this website so that I can post meals and recipes that anyone could copy directly into their food diary.  This will not be the account I use to log on a daily basis.

Whew, that is certainly enough pressure for one day.  See you next week.

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