Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Searching for truth, recognizing goodness, and balancing life

Weighing in on Christmas

Monday is my weigh-in day, even if it’s Christmas. I think it is a sign of my level of commitment that I got on that scale.  I was only down four-tenths of a pound but I’m declaring it a major victory. I had a marvelous Christmas, spent lots of time with family, cooked up a storm, and didn’t gain weight.  I am eating more mindfully and stopping before I make myself uncomfortable. 

One thing that became very clear to me this season is that it isn’t so much the holiday foods—although I do love those—as much as the holiday stress that is my downfall.  I eat to calm myself down when I what I really need is often to stop and take a deep breath, have a cold drink of water, or relax and be grateful because at this point in my life most of my stressors—things like home-remodeling, shopping for gifts, or having company—are actually blessings.

My husband regularly taps my daughter’s gift for shopping to make his Christmas giving easier.  This year he financed and she picked out a fun selection of workout clothes for me.  Since I usually exercise at home in front of a video, I have been wearing some sad outfits.  She argued that you just feel more motivated to work out when you look the part.  I have to admit that I was actually quite excited to try on something new and pushed myself a little longer and harder as a result.

I’m having fun with this and stoked about hitting diet and fitness hard in 2018.  I’m actually excited to see how fit I can get at 57.  It’s an adventure.


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